Learn more about MDF:
MDF is the same medium-density fiberboard (Medium Density Fiberboard) that is weaker than chipboard and is used in the manufacture of wood products such as: bedding, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, etc.
What are the various causes of mdf sheet applications?
1. Possibility of machining, sanding and tooling
2. Having a smooth and dense surface
3. Possibility of having a smooth and malleable edge
4. Absence of wood defects
5. Possibility of doing all kinds of paving, including: painting, wood surface, non-wood, etc
6. Durability and stability against compression
7. Having a beautiful and elegant appearance and characteristics such as wood
8. Reasonable price

Advantages of MDF:
- Since MDF sheet is made from recycled wood, its consumption does not harm the environment and forests.
- Omidif can be glued to the cover, so it can have many colors and designs. Due to the possibility of using veneer in MDFs, they can be produced in different designs and colors, in other words, the variety of colors and designs in MDFs is high.
- The smooth surface of the MDF makes it easy to stick other materials on it.
- The high resistance of MDF prevents it from expanding and contracting against heat and cold.
- MDF sheets are easier to form than wood sheets.
Disadvantages of mdf sheet:
• In case of breakage or cracking in MDF, it can be glued to the wood.
• Facing MDF and water causes it to swell. But if waterproof coating is used, we will not see this problem.
• Polishing of MDF surface is one of its disadvantages. Of course, the coating that is attached to the mdf completely solves this problem.

All our efforts in this matter were to answer your questions about MDF. We hope we have obtained your satisfaction in this matter. Parax experts are ready to answer your other questions as well.